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B Watkins

Brussels Voice 23 kicks off with first workshop!

After months of preparation, the adventure of Brussels Voice 23 is underway! In a first evening workshop at, participants got to know each other and the team before learning about the process and sharing their first ideas about mobility.

45 participants selected for the Brussels Voice 23 panel!

We received almost 600 valid applications! This wave of enthusiasm shows just how important it is to ensure that the international communities of Brussels can speak up on regional policy. Everyone who registered will have an impact: it’s their votes which will decide which topic we will work on in Brussels Voice 23.

Members of the regional government reply to the manifesto proposals

The regional Government has formally acknowledged the first Manifesto of the International Brusseler and its 22 policy proposals. Even better, many of the Ministers and State Secretaries are personally replying to the proposals within their respective areas of responsibility!

Raise your voice! Brussels Voice 23 opens for applications

Today we are launching recruitment for a second adventure, rooted in Brussels’ innovations in deliberative democracy. The Brussels Parliament and its Members will open their doors to a panel of international Brussels residents in October.