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Home » Local experts join the debate as Brussels Voice 23 continues

Local experts join the debate as Brussels Voice 23 continues

How do you take collective intelligence to the next level? Just add thematic expertise! That’s what we did at the second workshop of Brussels Voice 23. Four local experts from policy, academia and civil society joined our participants as they turned the ideas generated last week into long-term visions and objectives for mobility in Brussels.

As the International Brusselers arrived for their second workshop, it was clear that our panel had already become a real team. The chatter in the room was proof enough, and the children running around the tables only added extra energy!

Getting down to work, we started by looking at all the ideas and global inspiration gathered last week, now clustered around five key topics:

  1. Public transport (network and availability)
  2. Public transport (comfort et accessibility)
  3. Roads and planning of public spaces
  4. Living together and safety
  5. Traffic and congestion

Our groups then had the chance to learn more about the issues at stake by talking with expert stakeholders. The experts cycled between the tables, answering questions about the big ideas and policy debates for each issue. All groups had the chance to dive into every topic, so it was a fast-paced but enlightening series of discussions. The stakeholders we welcomed were:

  1. Meike Brodersen, Researcher, Université libre de Bruxelles
  2. Jean-Michel Mary, Public Affairs Director, STIB
  3. Nicolas de Moy, Project Manager – Communication,
  4. Jacques Ponjée, President, GUTIB (public transport users’ association)

After these conversations, it was time to use our new knowledge to rework the topics, concerns and inspiring examples into mong-term objectives. Participants took on the role of a future Brussels Minister of Mobility, looking back on years of progress. What were they most happy with? These imagined successes revealed an ambitious vision for mobility and transport in Brussels. The objectives which the participants shared will be the input for next week’s workshop…

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