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Member(s) of Government responsible for this response

Rudi Vervoort
Minister-President of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region, responsible for Urban Development and urban renewal, Tourism, the Promotion of the Image of Brussels and Bicultural issues of regional importance

Ans Persoons
Secretary of State of the Brussels-Capital Region, responsible for Urbanism and heritage, European and international relations, Foreign trade and Fire fighting and emergency medical assistance

Barbara Trachte
Secretary of State of the Brussels-Capital Region, responsible for Economic transition and Scientific research


This proposal is in line with existing
measures or upcoming legislation.
We support parts of this proposal
and we can implement them.


Today, the European Quarter is a fairly monofunctional district consisting mainly of office buildings. The district empties out between 5pm and 7am and the services and public spaces that are there are mainly focused on this sector.

As part of the (.pdf in Dutch) adopted by the Regional Government in 2022 after an extensive consultation process with all stakeholders in the area, our goal is to make the European Quarter a mixed-use and vibrant neighbourhood, with offices as well as housing and public facilities, united by high-quality and inclusive public spaces, in order to develop a peaceful and diversified neighbourhood based on a new balance between residential, cultural and office spaces.

As part of the implementation of this shared vision and in line with the City of Brussels’ recommendations for the European Quarter, we will support and promote concrete mixed-use real estate projects with a proportion of housing and amenities, the activation of ground floors that revitalise public spaces, and the greening of the interior spaces of housing blocks to encourage the repurposing of this neighbourhood by its residents and by all the people of Brussels.

Walking will become more pleasant thanks to the greenery and redevelopment of the public spaces, structured along several axes, including a cultural axis Cinquantenaire-Mont des Arts (via Place Jean Rey, Parc Léopold, Place Luxembourg, Place du Trône, Place Palais and Place Royale), which aims to create a pedestrian circuit of museums between the two major centres, linking the other cultural institutions and the main living spaces along the route and invigorating the ground floors with temporary exhibitions.

We are also closely involved in projects to redevelop public spaces for residential and active transport purposes, such as the future Place Schuman, the Rue de la Loi and Rue Belliard axes, Place du Luxembourg and the study for the future Highlane pedestrian and cycle link along the railway embankment between Luxembourg Station and Schuman Station.

The instruments to support the economic transition are also instruments that can be used by economic players with entrepreneurial or trade projects. For example, the aim of the Open Soon project call is to stimulate the opening of new, original, high-quality shops that apply sustainable practices and generate dynamism in the shopping districts of the Brussels Region ( projects-opensoon-2023). The Local & Together project call also aims to support local trade dynamics and to strengthen the local trade fabric. The aim is to set up collective projects led by shopkeepers’ associations and other local players in a defined commercial district (

European Quarter Brand: defines the new common graphic identity for the EW. In particular, it will be used for the signage that the European Parliament plans to install in the district.

Opening of the UNESCO World Heritage Hotel van Eetvelde to the public from 2023. The Hotel van Eetvelde on Palmerstonlaan, a true temple of Art Nouveau designed by architect Victor Horta, is a protected Brussels building and is one of the world’s masterpieces.

An overview of other projects supported by the Region: the refurbishment of the Cinquantenaire site with the federal government on the occasion of Belgium’s bicentenary in 2030 and the support for the renovation of the Paul-Henri Spaak building, which houses the seat of the European Parliament is housed in Brussels, to open it up to the neighbourhood.

The question of the location of the European Schools falls within the competence of the Federal Government. We support the principle of establishing a European School in the European Quarter.