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Home » R-mm-wisselwerking-vervoerswijzen-EN


Member(s) of Government responsible for this response

Elke Van den Brandt
Minister of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region, responsible for Mobility, Public works and Road Safety


This proposal is in line with existing
measures or upcoming legislation.


The Region identifies accident-prone areas every 2 years and adopts a programme providing a solution within 3 years of their identification. A programme to make pedestrian and cyclist crossings safer is also under way.

Regarding the separation of pedestrians/cyclists from motorised traffic, there are several regulations: mixed traffic, marked bike lane, segregated bike lane…. These are applied according to speed and amount of traffic, especially heavy goods vehicles.

The first stage always involves the reduction of speed and traffic. Depending on the significance of the potential reduction, the cycling infrastructure will be adapted. The cycling infrastructure chosen also depends on the expected level of service, based on the specialisation of the roads.

The choice of planting to secure intersections and crossings should always be studied with great care, given the importance of shared visibility among users.