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Home » R-mm-kwaliteit-trottoirs-EN


Member(s) of Government responsible for this response

Elke Van den Brandt
Minister of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region, responsible for Mobility, Public works and Road Safety


This proposal is in line with existing
measures or upcoming legislation.


The Brussels Capital Region currently has several programmes to make public transport and public spaces accessible:

  • A Strategic Accessibility Plan has been added to STIB’s public service contract and has been implemented for several years. STIB’s accessibility has improved significantly in recent years: hundreds of bus and tram stops have been adapted, several metro stations have been equipped with lifts, STIB’s app has been made digitally accessible and contains specific information for people with reduced mobility (cf. AccessiBus programme, real-time availability of lifts…), and new rolling stock is fully accessible (new buses, TNG tram, M7 metro…);
  • In addition to improving the accessibility of the regular network, STIB offers a door-to-door service for people with disabilities who are severely restricted in their independence (TaxiBus). This service works well (despite a few hiccups during the restart after the corona crisis) and demand for it is increasing sharply year on year;
  • Regarding the accessibility of public spaces, Brussels Mobility ensures compliance with specific standards (cf. Cahier Pedestrian Accessibility, GSV, etc.), trains its staff and those of its partners (municipalities, STIB/MIVB) in the accessibility of public spaces and includes the point of view of people with reduced mobility in its opinions on redevelopment projects via advisory committees (active modes section of the Regional Mobility Commission);
  • Regarding pavements more specifically, the Brussels Capital Region has invested heavily in this area in recent years. Brussels Mobility has drawn up a plan for the maintenance of pavements (on regional roads) which, in addition to following up on specific repairs, includes the complete reconstruction of parts of pavements. Under this plan, pedestrian crossings are systematically made barrier-free and podotactile elements are installed. Every year, Brussels Mobility also awards grants to local authorities to support their efforts to make footpaths accessible. Since the end of 2021, Brussels Mobility has also been integrating reporting categories specifically related to pedestrian accessibility into the FixMyStreet app, making it easier for city users to report problems related to pavement lining, lack of kerbs and podotactile tiles, etc.